Developer Revenue program

If you are a software developer and if your application need to bypass captcha, simple implement our API and receive 20 %( 24 cent per 1000 captcha) of your client spend. Our developer revenue program offer unique feature including ability to view all captcha submitted from your application in real time. Also you can see hourly, daily, weekly and monthly statistics of captcha solved though our system.

By implementing our service, you are not just earning money, you also offer your client the best captcha solving service available today.

Here are some benefit you and your customer will get by using our captcha solving service.

·         Earn 24 cent for 1000 captcha solved

·         View all captcha submitted from your program in real time

·         Hourly, Daily, Weekly and monthly statistics of captcha solved from your software

·         $0.65 to solve 1000 captcha

·         Round o’clock Fastest solving Rate

·         99% system uptime

·         90 Days money back guaranty

If you have any question or need help to implement our captcha solving api, please visit